It's easy to get distracted, especially if you have obligations pulling you every which way. So it's essential to keep self care as simple as possible, so that there is no need to make excuses as to why you didn't tend to yourself. Life can be complicated, especially right now. But we can't just standby and lose our minds. We are all going to need a whole lot of healing after this, so it's best to find ways to manage the stress and stay looking + feeling your best!
Lavender Salt Bath

Lavender is very soothing, calming + relaxing, and sea salt pulls toxins from the body, so a bath with this combination is pure bliss! Ideally you may want to start, or end your day with this bath, however it's great for anytime you need to breathe easy. If you choose an evening bath, it will provide a peaceful night of rest. If you decide to have a morning swim in the tub, it will help to set the mood for the rest of your day. Even just a few minutes of laying still in the bath and allowing the lavender and salt to work its magic, you will feel a noticeable difference in your mental and emotional state.
Selfie Mani Pedi

You may be use to heading over to the local spa or nail salon for your mani pedi, or this may not currently be part of your self care routine at all. Either way, it's a great method of connecting with yourself, focusing on areas of your body, and being present in the moment. By doing your own manicure and pedicure, you can prove to yourself that you can, you can practice getting to know yourself better, and you can give yourself the exact experience that you would want when you visit a professional establishment. There have been times where I am disappointed with how rough they file my nails, the shape, etc. However, if I do it myself, I can give the attention and care that I know I deserve, and you should too!
Candlelit Prayer + Meditation

Prayer + Meditation go hand in hand, we ask a question and wait for an answer. We speak, praise, give gratitude, and then we fall silent to allow the messages to flow in. Our mind needs space and clarity, however we must first be certain that we are establishing a connection with Source. Prayer + Meditation is vital when life becomes turbulent, and it should also be a part of our lives even when the waters are still. Practicing this connection is not always easy, and at times we may question just about everything... It is understandable. But when you realize the importance of the connection, then you see how valuable it is. There are so many things trying to take us off of our path, to divert us from our purpose, so we must be rooted in our connection to Source.
Bamboo Charcoal Face Mask

Any face mask will do, I just happen to love bamboo charcoal masks, they leave my skin so clean and smooth! There have been moments when I feel a pimple forming and conspiring against me, then I apply my mask, wait a while, and once I remove it--- voila--- zit retreat + defeat! Beyond that, applying a mask is very zen. I like to paint mine on, and it feels so cool and refreshing as I brush each stroke. I enjoy the feeling of the mask drying and contracting my skin. It feels like I know the impurities are being pulled out. And when I wash it all away, I feel renewed + rejuvenated. So I recommend a good face mask on a weekly basis. It's excellent, simple self care!
Connect With Nature

It's easy to forget to go outside, which seems like an anomaly within itself. It seems so easy... just go outside. But the excuses... they get in the way. We find other things to busy ourselves with, and before we know it, the sun has gone down and we say "well, maybe tomorrow." I find that taking a quick walk, or just sitting outside in the grass with the sun beaming on me definitely helps significantly. It would be ideal to incorporate a weekly trip to a park or botanical garden to really spend some time taking in the beauty of nature, the fresh air, the birds chirping, and the leaves blowing in the breeze.
Tea Ceremony
Of course Tea Ceremony is a component of Simple Self Care! The reason being, not only is tea relaxing in itself, but tea ceremony brings another zen component. The tea ware is fragile, so you must be mindful. You want to pour the tea properly, so you must pay attention. Watching the steam rise from the cup eases the senses. Smelling the aroma allows you the opportunity to do some deep breathing, inhaling and exhaling. Sipping the tea soothes the soul.
Writing + Journaling
Journaling should be a class taught in school. It helps to express and process emotions. It is a great tool to cope with grief, anger, sadness, trauma, resentment and so on. Allowing yourself to open up in a completely judgement-free safe space can do wonders. It also provides you the opportunity to sift through your thoughts, to work through decisions, and to look back on the progress you've made. Another option is to just free-write, it could be fiction, it could be mixed with reality, but this works really well for some as a form of expression. Just freely express what you feel on the paper, and don't be afraid of someone reading it, you can put it in a safe place or even destroy it if you feel compelled to do so.
Sound Therapy

When I mention Sound Healing you may imagine a crystal or Tibetan singing bowl, and yes those are one method of sound healing, but I would also say that any music that makes you feel good and helps you to relax, or if it's time to workout, then any music that gets your body moving is also therapy in itself! Turn on the tunes + groove! Uplift your vibration with the gift of sound. What would we do without music? I hope we never find out!
Nurture your mind, body + spirit on a consistent basis, because you are important, you matter, and you deserve it! It's easy to pour from a full cup, so keep filling YOU up!!!